Support Our Parish
Thank you very much for your continuing support. As cash operations became more difficult and complicated we had to look for alternative ways:
- If you wish to create standing order and support us regularly please complete the standing order form, (download here).
- The online donation facility is now available, and can be accessed through the link:
Clik here for online donations.
- If you are a taxpayer your donation can be increased by 25%. Just download Gift Aid Declaration form (download here), print it out, complete it and return to the Parish Office to receive your special number and a box with Gift Aid envelopes.
- In common with many other churches we are also able to offer the ability to make any payments or donations to the church via credit or debit card. These can be for Sunday offerings, mass intentions or any other donations. This will not affect Gift Aid and we, the parish, will still receive the extra benefit. If you wish to make a donation using your payment card or mobile phone, please see the steward at the back of the church.