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Mass Intentions

Sixteenth Sunday

in Ordinary Time (B)

21st July

      9.30am – Thanksgiving

     11.00am – Shinu, Susan & Daniel Regin (Thanksgiving)

      6.30pm – Richard & Josephine Offor RIP

Monday 22nd July

St Mary Magdalene

      10.00am – Adela & Jan Stepien RIP

Tuesday 23rd July

St Bridget of Sweden

      10.00am – Sue RIP

Wednesday 24th July

      10.00am – Ladi Salamatu Ahmed RIP

Thursday 25th July

St James

      10.00am – Lai Adeokun RIP

Friday 26th July

St Joachim & Anne

      10.00am – Valentin EliasRIP

Saturday 27th July

      10.00am – Eugeniusz Kusiak MS RIP

Seventeenth Sunday

in Ordinary Time (B)

28th July

      9.30am – Joanna Felicitas Fernandes (RIP/Anniversary)

     11.00am – Sr Mary Eugenia Offor (40th Ann. of Rerligious


      6.30pm – Segiam Macbes Dourado (Thanks./Birthday)


If you would like to book a Mass Intention contact the Parish Office,

use the Mass Offering envelopes placed in the porch or see one of the priests after the Mass.