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Mass Intentions

The Baptism of the Lord (C)

12th January


      9.30am – People of the Parish

     11.00am – + Patrick Pettigre

      6.30pm – + Anne Larkin Fennessey

Monday 13th January

       10.00am – + Kevin O’Brien

       10.ooam – Kathleen Harmow (Special Intention)

Tuesday 14th January

       10.00am – Margaret Murtagh (Special Intention)

       10.00am – + Barney O’Neill

Wednesday 15th January

       10.00am– + Jerry Kennedy

       10:00am– + Maggie and Andy O’Brien and John Platt                              (Anniversary)

Thursday 16th January

        10.00am – + Barney O’Neill

        10.00am – + Des Reilly


Friday 17th January

      10.00am – + Inua Mohammed Snr (Birthday Intention)

      10.00am – + Kevin O’Brien


Saturday 18th January

      10.00am – + Barney O’Neill

      10.00am – Rose and Red Sullivan (Special Intention)

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (C),

Sunday 19th January

      9.30am – + Kevin O’Brien

     11.00am –  Marian McCullagh (Birthday Intention)

      6.30pm – People of the Parish


If you would like to book a Mass Intention contact the Parish Office,

use the Mass Offering envelopes placed in the porch or see one of the priests after the Mass.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday to Saturday from 9.30am – 10.00 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confession Saturday 9.30am -10.00am

Parish office hours (The Presbytery): Monday to Thursday – 11.00 am to 1.30 pm