Parish News
Parish Mass Book.
As from THIS Sunday we ask parishioners for donations for our parish mass books (volume no 2). If you want to sponsor one or more books please come to the sacristy after mass. There is a list for donors to provide details and we ask that the suggested £5 donation per book to be given to the Frs. Mariusz /Adam. Donors’ names will be entered into each book sponsored/donated. We ask that only one person’s name or family name is requested per book.
We are expecting second part of mass books for the current liturgical year to arrive in April. We are very appreciative of your support.
Choir Practice
There will be a practice of the music we'll be using throughout Lent and Holy Week on Monday at 7:30pm in the church (please use the side door on Blythswood Road). This is for anyone, whether you can be part of the choir or whether you want to be more prepared as part of the congregation everyone is welcome. If you want to know more please come on Monday at 7:30pm, or call David Mackie on 07801 811495."
Please note , there is no morning prayer on Saturday before confession
Finance Committee Tuesday 11th March at 7.30pm (Presbytery)
Stations of the Cross
We ask the following groups to lead us in the meditations of the Stations of the Cross. All the stations will be at 7:30pm with mass before at 7.00pm.
The following groups will lead on;
14th March – St Paul's (7:30pm) NO Mass at 7.00pm at St Cedd
21st March – Lectors. Mass at 7.00pm
28th March – Eucharistic Ministers Mass at 7.00pm
4th April –Families Mass at 7.00pm
11th April – St Paul's NO Mass at 7.00pm at St Cedd
Good Friday-
St Paul’s Church (43, Barley Lane, Ilford IG3 8XE).
Lenten Lunches
This year, St Cedd’s and neighbouring churches will be hosting Lenten lunches on the Saturdays during Lent, 12pm – 2pm. All are welcomed to come along!
15th March – All Saints
22nd March – Goodmayes Methodist Church (Percy Road)
29th March – Goodmayes Baptist Church (opposite Ashgrove Road)
5th April – St Paul's (Barley Lane).
Lenten Giving Calendar
Caritas Diocese of Brentwood warmly invites the parishioners of St Cedd’s Parish to participate in the 2025 Lenten Giving Calendar. Throughout Lent, you are encouraged to collect essential items for those most in need. Donations will be collated in the side chapel of the Church, in the donation boxes by the statue of St Anthony. These donations will be taken to the Ilford Salvation Army and the Redbridge Foodbank in time for Holy Week. Calendars will be available at the porch of the church for parishioners to collect.
First Friday Youth Mass
As we enter into Lent next First Friday Mass will be 4th April at 7.00pm and followed the Stations of the Cross (No Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament). Please join us and bring a friend.
Day Day by Day
We are pleased to announce that from the start of Lent the ‘My Day by Day’ booklet will be available from the repository. This booklet provides both daily readings and an opportunity to reflect on these.
Lenten Talks at Brentwood Cathedral
Canon John Harvey, Cathedral Dean, is hosting a series of talks by guest speakers. The talks will explore the topic of the Holy Eucharist. The talks will happen each Wednesday of Lent at 7:30pm in the Cathedral. More information to come soon.
Wednesday 19th March at 7.30 p.m. The Eucharist & and the Saints. Fr Philip Caldwell: taught for 20 years dogmatic Theology in Ushaw & Oscott Seminaries. Before Priestly Ministry taught for a short while English Literature. He is the author of Friends of Jesus, this year’s Lent Devotional for the CTS
London Borough of Redbridge Welfare Benefits team are planning to visit our Parish on the 10th March 2025 in the lower hall, time 11am -
Updating Church Register and Welcome Committee
It was agreed during the parish council meeting, that we are going to update our Parish records. Parishioners will be asked to fill out forms placed in porch of the church, with their current information and return it to the presbytery. Registration forms will be available soon.
We also would like to form parish Welcome Committee who will be willing welcome parishioners and visitors to our community before Sunday Masses. If you would like to help out with this please let us know in the sacristy after mass.
Belonging Group is an outreach programme that is currently held monthly on the first Saturday of every month in the Lower Hall. Belonging sessions provide hot food, companionship and a warm safe space for anyone in need. If you know of anyone who may benefit from these sessions or would like to be part of the Belonging outreach programme then please contact: Stellamaris 07939821690, Maggie 07538293357 or Mark 07984169087. Next meeting 5th April from 1-
LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTION: £955.37. Thank you for continued generous financial support. You can make a donation into our bank account, either as a one off or by a regular Standing Order. The details are as follows: Account Name: Catholic Church Goodmayes St Cedd
Account Number: 31017446 Sort Code: 40-
Next Friday is the Lenten Fast Day. Envelopes are available in the back of the Church, please take one and return it with your donation next Sunday. Thank you
Join CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk in the Jubilee Year
You are invited to join CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk and journey together with Catholics in England, Wales and Scotland as Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year -
THE LEGION OF MARY every Tuesday at 6.30-
REPOSITORY: Our repository in the lower hall is open on Sundays after 11am Mass. Should you require anything in the meantime please contact Kathy Butcher via 07777663724.
HALL HIRE: For more information on how to hire our halls please contact Phil on 07777663724.
Those who are sick and housebound: the patients at Goodmayes and King George’s Hospitals: Breda Shanahan-
WE REMEMBER THOSE WHO ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME: Janet Barrow, Peter Joseph, Raymond Maher and John Fairley-
St. Cedd’s Club Opening
Monday – Thursday: 7pm-
Do you have any old pictures of the club, particularly from when it was first opened? If so, please contact Phil on 07777663724. Please don't send any originals as we only need to copy them. Thank you, Phil Butcher.
Family Bingo
The next dates for the Family Bingo night is 14th March at 8pm in the lower hall. 7 rounds of bingo with a raffle. The proceeds will go to continuing to support St Cedd’s Social Club. All are welcome to join us.
Life in the Spirit Seminars:
Please save the date for the upcoming Life in the Spirit Seminars which are being held in Brentwood Cathedral Large Hall over 6 Tuesday evenings (29th April -
Marriage and Family Life
The Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for Marriage and Family Life will take place in Brentwood Cathedral on Saturday 21st June -
An edited recording of the talk given by Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald at Gidea Park parish is now available on the website
Current Job Vacancies
The Ursuline Academy Ilford are looking to appoint a School Chaplain. Please see the school’s website for further details
The Ursuline Academy Ilford are looking to recruit a Teacher of Humanities (Geography & History). Please see the school’s website for further details The Ursuline Academy Ilford -
The Ursuline Academy Ilford are looking to recruit an Exam Invigilator. Please see school website for further details The Ursuline Academy Ilford -
Headteacher – St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Romford. Our current Head, Mrs Waterfield, is retiring after 20 years. The Governors are seeking to appoint a Headteacher to begin in September to continue the excellent work at this caring, friendly and diverse two form entry primary school. Visits from prospective applicants are warmly encouraged, and can be arranged at a time to suit you.
Full details: