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Parish News


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2025: Registration for First Holy Communion Programme will begin in September 2024. It will be necessary to produce your child’s Baptismal Certificate. To have your child registered you will need to make an appointment to see Fr Slawek in September. More details after the summer break.

CONFIRMATION 2025: Registration for Confirmation Programme will start in September. If you are a regular church goer, belong to St. Cedd’s Parish, are 14 at the beginning of the programme and would like to make your Confirmation in 2025 you will need to make an appointment to see Fr Marek in September to be enrolled. More details after the summer break.

NEW ALTAR SERVERS: The training is addressed to those children/young students who already have made their First Holy Communion. More details after the summer break.

There is no Altar Servers’ Rota in July and August.

RCIA PROGRAMME: Are you an adult non-Catholic interested in exploring what the Catholic faith is about? Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? If the answer is ‘yes’ then it may be that the RCIA programme (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for you. If you are an adult Catholic and have never been confirmed, these meetings could also be for you. If you would like to find out more please contact our Parish Office.

NEW LECTIONARY: Thank you to all those who donated towards the New Lectionaries that have been preordered.

CHURCH PREPARATION: We are very grateful for our team of cleaners who regularly clean our church. However, we do need some volunteers to check the church after our Masses and make sure nothing is left in the pews and the hymn books are put away. It is important that the church is prepared and ready for the next service.

BELONGING GROUP: Belonging is an outreach programme that is currently held monthly on the first Saturday of every month in the Lower Hall. Belonging sessions provide hot food, companionship and a warm safe space for anyone in need. If you know of anyone who may benefit from these sessions or would like to find out more then please contact: Stellamaris (07939821690), Maggie (07538293357) or Mark (07984169087). Having now been established for over a year the intention for the future is to grow Belonging into other spaces within the wider community therefore if you want to be part of the Belonging outreach programme then please call Mark, Stellamaris or Maggie. Next meeting 3rd August from 1-4pm in the Lower Hall.

THE LEGION OF MARY prayer meetings is held in the committee room on the first floor of the Parish hall every Tuesday at 6.30-8pm. Further inquire please get in touch with: Sr Stellamaris on 07939821690; Sr Esther on 07958485383 or Sr  Veronica 07724876198.

REPOSITORY: Our repository in the lower hall is open on Sundays after 11am Mass. Should you require anything in the meantime please contact Kathy Butcher via 07777663724.

PARKING NEAR OUR CHURCH: Whilst many of our parishioners who drive to church park considerately, there seems to be some who continue to block the driveways of our neighbours. Everyone is reminded that it is every individuals responsibility to park safely, legally and considerately. Remember that the disabled bays are strictly for the use of Blue Badge Holders and that the driveways of local houses must never be blocked by parked cars. If you are able, it may be time to reassess how you get to church and, if possible and practical, walk or use public transport. We and our neighbours thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

ST CEDD’S PARISH HALLS: Due to the changes to the use our halls and recent events we will, for the time being, only let our halls to people or families known to the Parish. For more information on how to hire our halls please contact Phil on 07777663724 or email hallsbooking@btconnect.com

BINGO in the lower hall every Wednesday at 1pm. All welcome.

GIFT AID SCHEME: The Gift Aid scheme remains an important way of increasing your offertory collection. It is available to all UK taxpayers. You are not required to give a specific amount every week but, whatever you give through donations, offertory collections, Mass intentions, etc. will be increased by the Government by 25%. If you are not on the scheme and would like to be part of it all you need to do is to complete and sign the Gift Aid declaration form. If you need any help contact the Parish Office, please.

CASHLESS/CONTACTLESS PAYMENTS: If you would like to donate via credit card/mobile this is possible at the door while leaving the church after Sunday Masses. This will not affect your GiftAid as long as you remember your GiftAid number.

LAST SUNDAY COLLECTION: Thank you for last Sunday’s collection of £936 (envelopes £559; loose £217; contactless £160). Stella Maris Collection: £120.

MISSION DONATIONS: If you would like to support La Salette Missions in Ukraine & Madagascar use the special envelopes provided (from the porch) for your donations. Also, if you would like your donation to be GiftAided put your Gift Aid number on the envelope. Alternatively you may use treasury boxes located on both sides in the porch. Your donations will be very much appreciated.

HEALTH & SAFETY: The Safety of everyone using our church and halls is paramount. We are looking for a volunteer to help in administering the systems which keep everything on track. If you have access to a computer and have a good eye for detail then please contact Phil on 07777 663724 for more details.

GETTING READY for WINTER: Over the next few weeks we will be using what good weather we have to paint the iron staircases leading from the halls. If you are able to help with this work, which will involve preparing and painting the iron work, then please contact Phil on 07777 663724.


THE ST JOHN BOSCO CHILDREN’S CAMP is now open for bookings! Children age 9 – 12 can enjoy an amazing week, packed with fun activities, including many sports, from 27th July – 3rd August. The Camp is a special work of Caritas Diocese of Brentwood and this year there is space for just 100 children – book early! All details are www.boscocamp.co.uk, including booking information and an FAQ section for parents.  

PILGRIMAGE: I am planning a pilgrimage to Fatima in Portugal from 11th – 15th June 2025 to cover the celebration of the apparition of Our Lady.  Accommodation would be 4* hotel full board for four nights and will include visits to the villages of Valinhos and Aljustrel (the homes of St Francisco and Jacinta).  The third visionary, Lucia, only died 2005 and has not yet been canonised).  We would have the use of an English speaking courier.  We can only give indicative prices at this stage but we are looking in the region of £850 including flights (based on two people sharing a twin room).

If you would like more information please email on stteresas.np@gmail.com or phone on 0208 590 2414. Fr David Pearce, Parish Priest, Newbury Park.

DIVINE MERCY RETREAT: The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London is holding a Divine Mercy Retreat on Saturday 13 July 2024 from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm at St Mary Mother of God, 213 Hornchurch Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4TF

The Retreat will include teachings on the Message of Mercy, Stations of the Cross, Holy Mass, Hour of Mercy with Adoration and Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. All Welcome. Please call millie on 07957594646 for more information.

Open House Billericay: On Saturday, 12th October the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Billericay will be hosting a day focusing on parish renewal with talks and workshops designed to help parishes transition from maintenance to mission. Bishop Alan will also be presiding at the Midday Mass. Get inspired by priests and parishioners as they share stories of transformation. Hear what they are learning and dream about the change that could be possible in your own parish. The day will last from 9.30am to 5pm and the cost is £20 per person. In order to attend you need to register in advance by following this link: https://divinerenovation.org/events/.